Monday, December 17, 2007


sorry. not THAT box. i mean my head-box. it needs some clearing out.

this is the first day of my bloge. there are a number of reasons i have begun a life of bloge-ing which may soon turn into a life of thinking about blogging but not actually do it. these are the reasons why i have decided to start which i wrote on a notecard yesterday when i was brainstorming about how great my blog will be for me.

1. peer pressure. i recently found out all of my important friends have secret blogs. they also are pretty level-headed. i do not know yet if this is a coincidence or not.
2. clearing my brain. my friend alek told me once i have a habit of containing everything that is bothering me, and i am a sponge for picking up things that bother me. sooner or later a sponge explodes. actually, i've never experienced an exploding sponge but there's a first for everything.
2a. i could use some of that wasted brain space for more important things.
3. finger dexterity.
4. strengthening my weaknesses through consistent reflection.
5. sharing and cataloging thoughts and ideas with my friends that i normally keep inside.
6. creating a super-secret-alter-ego of robot dimensions.

for real, these are the things on the list. i think i lost track of what i was doing by the last one. also, my finger dexterity is already stellar. also. there are 3 more reasons for blogging that i am keeping to myself until i get situated and comfortable in my new way of life. i don't feel bad about witholding these 3 facts. i suppose even super-secret-alter-ego robots are allowed their secrets.

before i post this, it is worth mentioning that i have had the mous on "publish post" for over 10 minutes deciding whether or not i liked this. it's a lot like jumping off a diving board. yikes here i go


Alek said...

IMPORTANT FRIEND. welcome to secretbloge land. don't post too much and about things that you did during the day because then your entries will be boring. i know this from experience.

robot leog said...

yes. that would be a problem only if what i did in the day was boring.