Tuesday, December 18, 2007


i am not doing what i am supposed to be doing. the problem is, i'm not sure what it is i'm supposed to be doing. i had a lesson this morning. my teacher and i talked about harpsichords for an hour and the whole prospect of contacting other worldly harpsichordists and buying the "right" one is extremely overwhelming. in general a good, practical harpsichord is around 10 grand or 12 grand. THAT IS SO MUCH MONEY. that being said, it will be money well-spent.

speaking of money well-spent, my chess strategy book came in the mail today. only, i got two copies. i can't decide whether to send it back and get my money back, or give it to someone else so that i have someone else to challenge me. i think i prefer to keep it all to myself and learning a lot of strategy so that i can annihilate whomever i choose to play.

UPDATE: i gave my book to toby after i watched him win a game against the mac chess-robot in less than 4 minutes. who beats a robot?! also, who tells a person they don't know how to play chess if they can beat the chess-robot?! those are skillz and i am doomed. best to go down generous, i say.

i never actually say that. i just think he's cute.


Alek said...


Riffo said...

I am intimidated by people who play chess.

I never learned. More of a chutes n' ladders lady, if I do say so myself.

Now that you have blogger too & I went back to xanga I'm thinking about reviving my blogger or posting the same entries on each blog. OUT OF CONTROL.